Junior Cyber-Security Engineer

Me and Cyber-Security

Hello World. My name is Apollon Potoudis, and I am a Cyber-Security enthusiast and software aficionado. My passion for understanding the inner workings of systems and applications has led me to pursue a career in Cyber-Security. Through my exploration of web applications, I have developed a keen eye for identifying vulnerabilities and exploiting them. My dedication to making the digital world a safer place drives me to continuously improve my skills and knowledge in this field. Welcome to my website, where you can learn more about me and my journey in the world of Cyber-Security.

What I’m working on


This project is an innovative endeavor to create a rugged laptop entirely from scratch. At its core is an Intel NUC, which provides the power and flexibility to make the laptop easily upgradable. Built to withstand the toughest conditions, this laptop is designed for durability and reliability. Whether you’re working...



  This project showcases my skills in developing a command and control server named MC2C. This advanced system functions as a botnet, with fully undetectable payloads that can evade detection by 60 different antivirus programs. The server is capable of managing sessions even when the client is using a VPN...

RF Transceiver

Similar to the YardStick One, this project is a sub-gigahertz RF Transceiver that has similar capabilities but it costs half the price. This project was made using an open source GitHub code that makes the communication of a micro controller and the CC1101 chip easier by adding an interactive serial...


McTrundy Corp, VMWARE ESXi
| April, 2022 - July, 2022

As a passionate Cyber-Security enthusiast, I have gained valuable experience in setting up and managing servers. In my multi-purpose home lab, I run VMWARE ESXi and a variety of virtual machines, constantly expanding my knowledge and skills. As a dedicated junior IT support professional, I have had multiple experiences in the field and am proficient in managing all server operating systems, including VMWARE and Docker.


Badges & Skills


None yet
January, 0001 - January, 0001

None yet.